Abebooks does the LibraryThing

Talking about one's books is even more fun than talking about oneself, so I was glad for the opportunity. And, of course, I got to drop the name of certain book-cataloging website and show off another picture of my dog, Axel. The newsletter also includes a collecting Q&A and good piece by Allan Stypeck of NPR's The Book Guys and owner of Second Story Books, in DC (a favorite haunt when I lived there).
Classical noodling: Abe hyperlinked some of my books to searches on their site, including Palaephatus' "On Incredible Tales" (Peri Apiston). The search gives no results because, as often happens with Greek and Latin works, the English title is quicksand—the only available English-language edition being Bolchazy-Carducci's text/translation titled "On Unbelievable Tales." Try this Abebooks search for Palaephatus instead, which nets a couple copies of that edition, and also throws in Aldus Manutius' 1505 first-ever printing of the text (together with Hyginus, Aratus, etc.) for a cool $2,750.
I found out it was the editio princeps from the Wikipedia article, lifted wholesale from my site, AncientLibrary.com, which reprints William Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870). The Abebooks entry, from a bookstore in Culver City, CA, doesn't mention that it's the editio princeps, however, so maybe it's more valuable than they realize. Which reminds me, I should have signed up to be an Abebooks associate when they asked me to do the interview. Generally I've been very lax about signing up for such programs—LibraryThing's focus is not on "getting people out the door" to buy stuff. But that would be one sweet commission!
I had no idea there was a translation of Palaephatus out there! I have just ordered one from amazon.ca. This is entirely your fault. :)
Great, another service I don't have an associate account with ;)
Apparently it's the first English translation ever. (I'm girding up my loins to doubt, but I'm guessing there's none since the 18c.)
What's your interest in him, general mythological?
Right now I possess the only copies listed on LibraryThing of Palaephatus and of Smith's Classical Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography, Mythology and Geography.
I bought the former for a graduate seminar in interpreting (and teaching) mythology, and just found the latter at a booksale for a whopping $4 -- oddly misplaced in the Shakespeare section.
Hey, I also have Smith's Classical Dictionary - I just haven't got around to cataloging that shelf yet!
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