New mini-feature: Show all catalog pages
Users with large libraries rejoice! I added a link to show all the "pages" in your catalog. Here are the pictures.

Click "all" and get.

Yeah, it's a small feature. I'm still spending much of my time on the db issues, and answering a pile of mail... well, larger than my pile of gold :) When I recover my nerve, I'll return to work disambiguation and groups.

Click "all" and get.

Yeah, it's a small feature. I'm still spending much of my time on the db issues, and answering a pile of mail... well, larger than my pile of gold :) When I recover my nerve, I'll return to work disambiguation and groups.
I'm not seeing it yet - in my library or larger ones (I checked a few, to be sure) - but thank you! It looks wonderful. I was fixing tagging snafus for hours last night - and this will really help. Coming back after a break and getting quickly to where I left off will be a big plus. :)
great idea
Not a "small" feature at all, that's really useful. Much more appreciated than the user location search.
Thank you
... but I can't see it yet (in large libraries, not in mine)
That link is not showing up yet, but I'm excited about it. It will be incredibly helpful! Thank you!
Seems the code I emailed you last night ate a book, Tim. Otherwise, this is a good idea. Can't wait to use it on my library.
A much better related feature (which would involve a bit more work) would be, for alphabetic fields, to have a field with each letter of the alphabet rather than page numbers.
There would be some little issues about paging back and forth since sometimes there would still be too many books in one letter.
I'll post this as a feature request on the Google group too.
It's showing up now, and it's AWESOME! Thank you! It's a minor feature to implement, but it alleviates a major annoyance.
The code is now not only in place, but even available to people whose user name isn't "timspalding"!
Please let me know if you find any glitches in it. It's a surprisingly complex piece of code. It took forever to ensure it didn't do things like 1 2 ... 3 4 5 6 ... 30 31.
I saw (and I think commented) on the alphabetic idea. I've started working on it this afternoon, hacking around to see how it might work and where I might "put" it. No promises.
Couple of comments:
When you select "all" on the top nav bar it doesn't seem to change the bottom nav bar.
When you select "all" and navigate to a page, it then goes back to the other format, would it be more helpful if it remembered what type of navigation you wanted?
A VERY minor point - when you show all pages in the Nav bar at the top of a graphical bookshelf catalog page, notice that the 'blank' covers shift down relative to the text in them. The text then starts outside of of the gray rectangle representing the missing covr.
Thanks! It's a great feature! I have 102 pages in my library...
User flexnib
Nah, leave as it is. As I said, it's VERY MINOR! I just happened to notice . . .
I sure you have a reason for it, but it seems strange to me that clicking all, on either the top or the bottom bar, causes the full array of page numbers to be displayed in the top bar only.
Perhaps those who say it they are not getting it are operationg on the bottom bar and not seeing the change at the top.
Also I think that extra attention could be drawn to the ability to change the number of books per page, situated on the change fields page. Those with large libraries (and fast conections) may find 50 books per page better than the default 20. I know one user I pointed to this was previously unaware of the facility.
Even with my reduction from 170 pages to 68 I still find the all facility very useful.
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