Sunday, December 25, 2005

Holiday tag suggestion

If you want to share your holiday loot, consider using tags like Christmas 2005, xmas05, Chanukah 2005, etc. We'll tag combine and compare notes!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good plan! I've just catalogued my haul, and used the tag "holiday2005".

12/25/2005 12:59 PM  
Blogger chamekke said...

I'm using "holiday2005" too - it actually works better for me since it can include gifts from my birthday (earlier in December).

What a great idea this is. Thanks, Tim and lilithcat!

12/25/2005 5:01 PM  
Blogger Ed said...

Is it because I'm on a different computer, or are the covers displaying as a larger size? Seems to be three rows now when I only saw two before.

12/26/2005 3:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*ponders whether or not to include books I bought myself in the tag*


12/26/2005 4:23 PM  
Blogger chamekke said...

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12/26/2005 5:22 PM  
Blogger chamekke said...

Hey Tim,

How about starting a new post on the topic of innovative use of tags? Such as:

- wishlist (already mentioned, and self-explanatory)

- holiday2005 (ditto)

- sellme (a preliminary triage for those of us who periodically have to whittle down our collection due to limited storage space)

There must be many other creative uses. I'd love to hear what other people have thought up... and scarf some of their creativity for my own collection :-P

12/26/2005 5:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ISBNs are changing to 13-digits, to take effect in 2007. However, some publishers are beginning the transition already, and are using both the 10 and the 13-digit numbers.

I don't think that you can presently enter the 13-digit number to pull the data from other sites. I know amazon does not yet use it; I haven't tried it with other sites (like LOC) though.

More info at ISBN13 for Dummies:

12/26/2005 10:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have some books that even have more than one ISBN-10. I've been wondering how to handle those too.

12/27/2005 11:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Multiple ISBN-10s are usually a mistake. I've occasionally seen books with one ISBN on the copyright page and a different one on the back cover. I'd just use whichever one brings up the correct data.

12/27/2005 12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

chamekke > How about starting a new post on the topic of innovative use of tags?

On that note, I've started using 'read (date)' to track when I've last read a book (i.e., read 20051227 for the book I finished today). I don't really know how _useful_ this might be, but maybe I'll find a use for it in a few months/years. ;)

12/28/2005 2:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've already been using "xmas gift 2005." I started when I was entering my childhood books. I have a treasured copy of "A Night Before Christmas." It's inscribed to my dad, Xmas 1944, then he gave it to me, and inscribed it Xmas 1965. I gave it to my first son and inscribed it Xmas 1991. So this one book has a lot of tags! And started my xmas gift ---- tags, which I have a lot of.

I think I bought my kids more books just so I could enter them! My daughter received, from me, Grandma and Great-Aunt, 20 books this Christmas...

12/28/2005 1:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool idea! I used holiday2005 as well :D

12/28/2005 6:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've have many books have multiple 10-digit ISBNs, but labeled to indicate that one ISBN referred to the hardcover version, another to the paperback, etc.

12/28/2005 10:09 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I've been using "for sale" rather than "sellme" -- candidates for combining, perhaps? ;)

12/29/2005 10:54 AM  

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