Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Gift memberships now available

LibraryThing now offers gift memberships!

Lifetime memberships ($25)
Yearly memberships ($10)
Gift memberships make excellent stocking-stuffers, "top presents" and "balancers." (I always have a few gifts I can shift between family members when I weigh the piles on Christmas Eve.) Wouldn't they make a nice present for everyone in your office, library or academic department? Yes, they would, and prisons too!

I particularly recommend them for friends and family with so many books you can't risk getting them something they already have. Once they catalog their collection, you'll never have that problem again. When does a present give so much back? Never, I tell you.

Gift memberships means I can finally close the "book pile contest." Drumroll please...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

who's it gonna be?
pick me. pick me.

12/14/2005 7:33 AM  
Blogger Darwin said...


12/14/2005 11:40 AM  
Blogger Tim said...

See the "universal import" page for how to do it. It keys off of ISBNs. If there's no ISBN, you're out of luck, unfortunately. There are dozens of applications. Making field-by-field conversions for them all was just too difficult.

Try to export just the ISBN field once. I've been having some problems with duplicates. (A problem I need to fix.)

12/14/2005 12:26 PM  
Blogger Dodi said...

How can we stuff stockings with a gift membership or use as a balancer the way it is set up? I mean that we enter their email address and schedule the delivery.

I suppose a certificate could be made and details entered later, although delay and gift giving have spelled disaster in the past.

Please offer your suggestion.

P.S. Pick me! Pick Me!

12/14/2005 2:06 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Nice......that holiday pile of books looks like a chimney---here comes Santa Claus!

12/14/2005 10:32 PM  
Blogger Tim said...

Nobody's even asked what the books are. Finding Christmas books was hard. I've got something about It's a Wonderful Life, A Child's Christmas in Wales and Dickens of course. (Yes, Harry Potter too; Rowling pays me for product placement.) But what are those green and red books? Some of you may recognize them as Loeb Classical Library volumes, which I have in extraordinary numbers. (I could brick somebody into a wine cellar with em.) They're festive-colored, but most Greek and Latin isn't Christmas-y in the least. I managed to choose the nearest thing to Christmas Loebs: Greek volumes are the Apostolic Fathers and Josephus (who mentions Jesus briefly); Latin volumes are Tacitus (who mentions Jesus glancingly) and Virgil (whose Fourth Eclogue was considered by Medievals to be a prophecy of Christ). I should have added Pliny, who tortured and executed some Christians.

Ho ho ho, huius huius huius!

12/15/2005 2:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just bought a gift membership, but can it be applied to an already existing free account? Because my husband already has an account - will he have to start a new one in order to make use of the gift?

12/15/2005 3:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, the gift certificates work fine applied to an existing free account. I got one for my brother, who already had an account. The email you get after you pay links to a page where you enter the password and either a new account name or an existing account. He said it worked great.

12/15/2005 4:29 PM  
Blogger Tim said...

Yes. They work fine upgrading free accounts too. You could even upgrade your paid account to a lifetime one. Just don't upgrade your lifetime to a paid. I didn't do anything to stop that...

12/15/2005 5:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you so much comments like that are why I love librarything. I have an essay due in 15 hours and it's just what I need. I was trying to think who I could ask to buy me a lifetime - now maybe I'll ask two people just to try this out...

12/18/2005 4:36 PM  

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