Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Downtime at 3am EST

I'm taking the site down for an hour at 3am EST (9:00 GMT). With luck, I'll have some new features to announce shortly!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off-topic bug report:

When viewing the "similars" of somebody who is not you, the left-most column still says "books you share" whereas those books are actually shared between person a and person b an not "you".

12/28/2005 1:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hippietrail: It's not really a bug. If you're looking at person b's profile, it will always show the books that "you" share with person b, even if you connected from person a's profile. If you go from person a's profile and click on the number next to person b's username, it will show the books persons a & b share, and have a link for seeing the books "you" share with person b. Err... hope that's clear enough.

12/28/2005 4:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no, hippietrail is right. say you're looking at person b's profile, and you click the "similar libraries" link to see the more detailed view. the column on the left says "books you share" when it really means "books they share," or whatever. it's the books person b shares with a list of many other people (which may or may not include you).


12/28/2005 5:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I see," said the blind man. I was looking at the wrong part. :\ At least it's not something that Tim needs to write new programs to fix. He can just change the fixed heading to "Number of Books Shared" or "Most Books Shared" or variants therof. Then it works for "you" and me. ;)

Good catch, hippietrail!

12/28/2005 5:45 PM  

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