Thursday, November 10, 2005

ISBNs work on, etc. / ratings graph

It took a while, but I finally solved the issue with using ISBNs on non-US Amazon. Sorry it took so long.

I've added a user rating section to a book's "social data." Here's the DaVinci Code's:

More fun data coming up!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How did the Christian Science Monitor reference work out? How many new year/lifetime subscriptions did you get?

11/10/2005 5:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Er, it still seems to be failing on with me. I've just resubmitted my list of ISBNs and so far I have 20 failures and no successes...

11/10/2005 6:39 PM  
Blogger Amit said...

Cool. I've been putting off entering a lot of UK editions just because of this. And the ratings graph is a great idea too.

Possible unrelated bug: Searching on multiple tags does not work. For example, I get no results when searching for "science fiction, unread", though I have books with both tags. Searching on the individual tags works fine. Does it take the entire string as a single tag?

11/11/2005 12:08 AM  
Blogger Tim said...

If it's not working, send me the ISBNs and I'll see why. It worked in my test cases.

11/11/2005 6:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"If it's not working, send me the ISBNs and I'll see why"

Er, I already sent you a file yesterday or the day before... I'll send a revised file (I've already been entering some by hand).


11/11/2005 9:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the subject of ISBNs, I haven't been able to get them to work with my Japanese books on Amazon Japan. In fact I haven't been able to get the Japanese titles or author's names to work there either. I had to enter all my Japanese books manually.

11/11/2005 4:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amazon Japan works on some ISBNs--I managed to enter 7 books from there last night.'s ISBN searching has always been rather sticky even on their own site, however...

11/11/2005 9:51 PM  

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