Frappr Map
LibraryThing user Sluggo had the great idea of setting up a LibraryThing Frappr map. Frappr is a fun, light-weight tool for putting things on Google maps, in this case LibraryThing users. If people use it, it'll give a clearer picture of where users are, and give people more reasons to connect with each other.
It's totally optional—you put yourself there, not the LibraryThing system, nor does LibraryThing control the data. It's all by zip code, not actual address.
Check it out at . I propose your "shout out" contain your profile URL, at least.
It's totally optional—you put yourself there, not the LibraryThing system, nor does LibraryThing control the data. It's all by zip code, not actual address.
Check it out at . I propose your "shout out" contain your profile URL, at least.
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Well, actually there are two LibraryThing Frappr maps - the other is at
A case for consolidation or differentiation??
Previous post was a spelling disaster ;-(
there won't be two for long, I will shut down the original map. Didn't know Tim had started another.
and how does he have time for such silliness these days?
Can't speak for Tim but in my case it's elegant & sophisticated procrastination - or Yak Shaving to use the delightful phrase from Seth Godin's blog a week or so back.
Wanted to let you know I'm getting an error message; I found a book on amazon but when I clicked to add it the machine hung and then eventually said
Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Too many connections in /home/virtual/site8/fst/var/www/html/response_search.php on line 590
- fatal error (1)
And now I can't get back on. This happened a couple of days ago too. I'm writing at 1:34 pm PDT.
The pics on the "Frapper" site ROCK!
The one from rocketman58 shows stacks of books that look like they might reach the moon in time.... :*)
The Frapper site is interesting, but...
Could I enter a vote for improving the way LT searches for books? Tried two different searches this morning. The first was because I noticed that I 'apparently' am the only owner of "The Two Towers" which was, of course, absurd. It turns out that searching in different ways turns up different users depening on where they grabbed their info.
Then on looking at a book review of a book I own I noticed that I am not listed as an owner. So further searching revealed that there are at least two GROUPS of owners for that book , each with its own statistics.
Of course, I am not the only user who has commented on this, but I feel that the problem should move up on your to do list since it is definitely skewing the interesting data features from 'most owned' to 'highest rated'.
Thanks for all your work - pwh of hailelib
This is an off-topic bug report. Not major.
I just noticed that when I use power edit to add a tag, LT reverses the order of all the tags already present. As I use a standard order for my tags this is a tiny bit annoying but I know you're busy (:
Same problem as hippietrail for me
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