Book-Pile Photo Contest
I'm getting very tired of my pile of books. It's a bad pile, done in haste. But I'm seeing some fun "LibraryThing" photos on blogs and Flickr (my apologies for all the disarray LibraryThing is causing!). Wouldn't it be fun to get more people's library photos?
Therefore, I announce the first annual LibraryThing Book-Pile Photo Contest.
The rules:
The benefit: Winner gets two free memberships and eternal glory. Two runners-up get one free membership each. Yeah, pretty pathetic.
Therefore, I announce the first annual LibraryThing Book-Pile Photo Contest.
The rules:
- Take a photo of a pile of books—something like the home page photo.
- Some of the spines should face the camera so the titles can be read.
- The books should be against a white or light background, so I can snip them out of the background easily in Photoshop.
- Express your cleverness in the book-choice. Do not include yourself. I also think you should avoid football trophies, two-handed swords, etc, but go ahead and include dogs and cats. Don't let the books fall on any babies.
- By submitting the image you agree to allow LibraryThing to use it, as well as anyone else so long as they're talking about LibraryThing or the contest.
- Send original or otherwise large files to timspalding, or just post it on Flickr and send me the URL.
The benefit: Winner gets two free memberships and eternal glory. Two runners-up get one free membership each. Yeah, pretty pathetic.
Why not keep it open? You could randomly show one of a dozen or so, keep accepting new ones, and retire old ones as they get stale.
Hmmmmmm.... off to stare at books. Yes, if you find you get lots of rather interesting ones, we'd like to see them. Rotate them or something.
I didn't think it was possible. Two incredibly distracting ideas from one person. First, librarything itself. Now... book combinations.
I can't even FIND some of the books for an idea I have any time soon since I made this mess, you see, trying to organize everything since I have a really good excuse... and I even bought more shelves!
Actually, with luck, by the end of October, perhaps I'll actually have most of it logged. That's in the house at least. And who knows, I might even get started on the boxes in the garage.
So there are positives to this distracting Thing.
will you consider making a link for "see the books you don't share"?
What would "see the books you don't share" do? I mean, exactly what you say? That would be 90% of most books in most libraries...
I am going to add back in the way the green plus turns to a yellow check. (It just won't sort the checks up top.)
Nice idea for a contest, Tim I'll grab the parents' digital camera and make a stack of my books to take a picture of ;) Plenty of light walls in the house so you should be able to photoshop it easy :)
Riffing on Shawna's "don't share" point.
At the moment I know I share some 238 books with lorax. I click on his user name, and see he has 523 science fiction books. I want to see what science fiction books he has that I don't. Just clicking on the "science fiction" tag in his profile doesn't help because he shares a lot of the books with others.
For me it would be neat if I could identify those on his list that are tagged as "science fiction" that are not shared with me either through having a visual indication for "shared with me", or a separate list for those he doesn't share with me.
Weird Bug:
On my Profile (LT ID: gilroy) it shows one of my tags as being 1 more than the actual count. hardback reads as 93 on the profile, but 92 when you pull up the catalog, and near as I can figure, I don't have anything that would be mistaked as hardback other than paperback or underdark.
Any ideas?
The contest sounds interesting. Rotating images also good.
On another subject: BUG alert: When I enter a new record and untick the refresh box it returns to the ticked state as soon as I submit the entry and is ticked when reopened. What will happen to records that are ticked when refreshing occurs? Will we have a choice between the info we already have and the new info or is the change automatic?
I have heavily edited a lot of records which, I have now discovered, are ticked to refresh. Many of our books are old and unlikely to appear in any data base but are fairly common titles. Example: The Four Million by O. Henry in a 1914 edition.
Suggest an option where a user can, with one click, either give all entries a tick or remove the ticks from all entries as well as the option of having some ticked and others not. Then those doing a great deal of editing as they go will be happy as well as those doing little editing or sketchy manual entries.
Also, agree with those who prefer the card style way of displaying data instead of the MARC record.
Thanks for the great site. -- (Hailelib)
Italian libraries are on the way. They use a different record syntax ("Unimarc" vs. "Marc21") so it requires some adaptation.
Check back later today...
What a fantastic idea! Too bad most of my best books are in Tokyo, but I'll rumage the house for what's here.
Andyl explained why for me pretty good, especially since I wasn't around to do it myself. I was thinking of tags, too... say me and and another user share a lot of books with a particular author, genre, or tag, enough to make me think their tastes are similar to mine. I'm not at all interested in the books that we both have--- I'm interested in the books that he/she has that I don't, because there's a good chance I'd like them, too. And it takes a lot longer to wade through the whole hundred or a thousand titles trying to find the ones I don't recognize then it would if there was a way to see the ones not shared with one click.
That's where I see the usefulness of the social data. I don't want to talk about books, or read about books- I just want to read the real thing. (So reviews are pretty hit and miss for me. Mostly miss.) The "books not shared" idea was kind of a review-skipping shortcut, a quick way to get a list of books that they have, I might like, and want to save for later. If it's no-go, no worries. :)
An interesting idea would be if a book is from a series, like say Wheel of Time or Harry Potter, it would be nice to also offer to add the books from the series, under the same tags. This could save numerous people hours of long tedious work putting in each book.
Just a thought
I stare at my books in a stack
time to think moving and pack
I see my most perfect book pile
Look through my camera and smile
I steady myself for the shot
have to stop for the boiling pot
My cell phone is a calling
Then my stack goes a falling
Good luck! Competitors :*)
Okey-dokey. Something is not working right this evening, it seems. Search for books, it finds them on Amazon US. But when you click on them and add them, nothing actually goes into librarything. In the recently added list, it says " by " and when you go into edit or the card catalog, all the fields are empty. :(
Hmmm. (Maybe the computer went to a party and left the books in charge?? grin.)
Yeah. But it's Amazon's fault! I'm going to add something to handle it gracefully—if Amazon is down it should show an error, not add an empty book. and uk work, as do the libraries.
Seems to be working now.
Argh. It would figure it's Amazon. Amazon has been irritating me lately anyways. I do NOT like how they've rearranged things. I'd seen it intermittantly before, but that was the first time it'd happened to me repeatedly for a large block of time. I think perhaps I ought to just take things like that as a sign I need sleep more at that particular moment then I need to organize books, yes? (lol)
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