Thursday, September 01, 2005

Library feeds?

Thanks to Steven Cohen of LibraryStuff for blogging about LibraryThing ("Finally, a site with a name that is more generic than mine."*) He suggests:
"I'd love a feed for someone's catalog or specific tag. Let RSS technology take this tool to the next step."
Interesting idea, and not too hard to program. It's on my list. I'm thinking each library should have a feed. Should each library's tags have feeds, or should the tag feeds cover all books? Hmmm..

*I originally planned to reify the "thing" graphically, either as my dog or as a Victorian monster illustration. Still pondering which...


Blogger Greg Schwartz said...

"Should each library's tags have feeds, or should the tag feeds cover all books?"

How difficult would it be to do both? Greater flexibility is always appreciated.

FWIW, if I ever get back to podcasting, I'd like to mention LibraryThing on my show, Open Stacks.

9/01/2005 10:24 PM  
Blogger DB said...

I don't think I'd use an RSS feed of anyone's library, personally. But that's just my style of Internet usage. I'd be afraid of days when a new person joined and added 20-30+ books into a particular feed. (I plan on adding a ton of books to my library this Labor Day weekend, for example.) That would really clog up my RSS feeder.

9/02/2005 1:29 PM  
Blogger Tim said...

It's hard for me to judge this. The idea sounds very cutting-edge. The RSS logo is today's magic pixie dust—just sprinkle it on something and it looks better. But I can't imagine using the feature myself.

All told, I'm positive on the idea. Enough people seem to want it that it might actually get used. And I'll get a chance to do some XML programming in PHP, and learning a new thing can't be bad...

9/02/2005 3:55 PM  
Blogger Seth T. Hahne said...

I would definitely like to see the ability to track as well off either Amazon's ISBNs (when there's no LC results) or even off LC's catalog numbers.

9/03/2005 12:24 AM  

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