Book reviews added
I originally designed the "comments" field to hold information like "slight scratching; given to me by Bunny." But people started putting reviews in, some many reviews. Others, such as dhamell wanted a place to stick URLs to a blog review.
So, in addition to "comments" there is now a field for "reviews." These reviews can be seen on the catalog pages, but there's a more efficient way.
Before the change books were designated either
, indicating whether other people owned it or not. These are now replaced by
if the book is reviewed by at least one person. Click the button to see both the "social information" (who has it) and the reviews. I should probably also have a special icon indicating when you've reviewed it (ie., a hot pink bubble?). Icons make me happy.
There's one complication. Before I distinguished between comments and reviews LibraryThing users added over 3,000 comments. I briefly considered trying to separate them myself. Instead, in a day or so there will be a page where you can select the comments that are reviews and move them over.
Let me know what you think. I'm all ears.
PS: We're over 60,000. From now on I'll only announce multiples of 25,000.
So, in addition to "comments" there is now a field for "reviews." These reviews can be seen on the catalog pages, but there's a more efficient way.
Before the change books were designated either

There's one complication. Before I distinguished between comments and reviews LibraryThing users added over 3,000 comments. I briefly considered trying to separate them myself. Instead, in a day or so there will be a page where you can select the comments that are reviews and move them over.
Let me know what you think. I'm all ears.
PS: We're over 60,000. From now on I'll only announce multiples of 25,000.
What a great new site! I'm really enjoying it already.
One small idea that might already have been put out there: could there be a checkbox or something indicating whether a book has been read? Or would I be better served by using "read" and "unread" tags?
You are a god, Tim. I'm adding my review links now. How about hyperlinking them automatically?
you should build an import ability, for example, i have a wish list of 537 items on amazon, and would love to port them over instead of manual entry on this site.
Selfnoise: I'm going to add user-defined fields soon. I'll include a checkbox type.
Debra: Just did it. Also allows simple editing tags.
Rob Fin: I don't think I can do the Wishlist export. I'm on the line enough already with Amazon, who require that I "refresh" all data every 24 hours. (But my users have control over the data, so am I do delete their changes?) I have access to Wishlists through their API, but my access is similarly contingent on refreshing. Taking them without refreshes would allow you to "fork" the data away from them. I think they would object.
Languagehat: This was a problem, but now there are two submit buttons. Did you see them? Is that was you mean?
Could there be a way of pulling up "all books with reviews", on one's own and other user's pages? I'd like to be able to see all books that user x has reviewed.
Mass-editing is on the way. So are reports on reviewing. Thanks for the interest.
On the same lines as rob finn's import question, is there hope that I will be able to import from Delicious library? That program will export what it claims to be a standard format text file of all of the books, and it would be nice to be able to import it into Library Thing and save myself from having to enter everything again.
Any chance of getting an import ability from ReaderWare, or the ability to import a larger set of ISBN numbers at a time?
Good catch. Thanks. It's fixed. The data will fall into line momentarily.
Is there any limitation on what kinds of reviews we can link to? I have some on Epinions, which (through some complicated formula the site operators keep to themselves) pays out "income share" to writers. I know for sure that the money (never very much in my case) is not directly tied to how many views an opinion gets. But if these links are too commercial, I'm completely fine with not posting them.
I would love to be able to leave reviews for books that I've read but aren't actually in my library...
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